Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Stacy's Baby Shower and the Princess Cake

I have been wanting to make a Princess Dress Cake for a while,
but with three boys the opportunities are few to none.
So I jumped at the chance to co-throw a baby shower with Nicole for Stacy.

Here is the doll and the baking pans to see what the shape of the dress would look like.

Here is the cake layered frosted and ready for the fondant work.

back view of the finished cake

Front and side view of the cake

Cupcakes for Stacy's three daughters

Stacy and daughters

Slicing the cake
The chicken salad was divine.

Some of the guests at the party

Stacy opening the gifts

The girls checking out the raffle prizes at the gift table

The Money Tree with Sock Garland
guests put money in the socks to give to stacy
to buy things she might need for the baby.

Under the tree are the raffle prizes. 
Stacy pulled out a name every 15 minutes or so
and the winner got to choose a piece of jewelry to keep.

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