Thursday, November 1, 2012

Trick-or-Trunk-or-Treat and the Fall Festival

It was a weekend full of Halloween fun.

The first event was the Fall Festival at the Middle School
I dressed up as a cat.

I-Man (Rabid Smurf) and J-Man (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle)

Smurf Tail and Turtle Shell

Close up

Soo serious!

J-Man knocked down the bottles faster than my camera.

The Pumpkin Race
(Adding up the bat dice, great for my kinder)

Kindergarten Costume Contest
Superman/Clark Kent won.

8th Grade Costume Contest
Rabid Smurf and Biker Dude Won!

Way to go!

The Fall Festival was so fun.

Mr.Mr. as DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabba

Trunk or Treat
I-Man (Rabid Smurf), J-Man (Eyeball Alien) and Mr.Mr. (DJ Lance)

Mr.Mr. refused to wear his hat and glasses at the trunk or treat
so people thought he dressed up as Elvis.

My Lolipop Topiaries

For the Lolipop Pull at the Trunk-or-Treat and Halloween

Pumkin Carving

I-Man wanted to do the Brown Relcuse
but the pattern was to big for his pumpkin so I drew it on for him

He punched the holes along the lines then started carving

Half way done

His hand got a cramp but it looks good.

All lit up

J-Man and Mr.Mr. scooping out the seeds and slime

I carved their pumpkins for them
Mr.Mr.'s Frankenstein all lit up

J-Man's Flying Bat

Noure's Choice a Zombie Hand

Then the boys made carmel apples before lunch time

My face make-up evolved into this animal for Halloween Night!

The Lolipop Pull all set up
Blue Dot=Treat Bag and Wendy's Frosty Coupon
Black Dot=Ring the Biting Witch and get a treat bag in the Trunk
Green Dot = Treat Bag and a Wrapped Toy
Pink Dot = Treat Bag and a Wrapped Doll

No Dot = Cany from bins on the bench

I gave out 50 Icecream coupons, 1 Doll (to a little boy who didn't want it)
and two toys to very happy kids.

The pumpkins and luminaries in the yard
(it is pitch black at our house, no street lights)

I-Man after Trick or Treating
He came home because his bag was too heavy!

Noure was so good to the little boys and ventured off the first time with out the stroller, they came back after 1 hour and went out again with the stroller. 

Halloween is so much fun!
Can't wait till next year.


  1. You're such a fun Mom! Those costumes are awesome, & the makeup is amazing!

    We almost came by last night, but my little trick-or-treaters were exhausted, so we headed home. Now I'm sad we missed it!

    1. Thanks Kris, we did see the Best, Locey and Miller families drive over. It was a lot of work but always worth the fun and when the teenagers start coming back more than twice I make them act out their costumes. Two young men were dressed like joggers (more like Richard Simmons) so they started to do a Richard Simmons workout just for another try. It was hilarious.
