Saturday, August 24, 2013

Family Trip to Utah - Part 1 Family Reunion

We were travelling to attend a whirlwind weekend of family events. 
Little Miss is just three months old so we decided to drive from the Old Pueblo
to the Wasatch Front in two days.  Our midway point was Henderson NV in a very kid friendly hotel.

Little Miss was tuckered out from travelling the first day.

She slept sandwiched between Noure and I in a king bed.

Little Miss awake and ready for day two in the car.

J-Man doiong his homework in the hotel room.

Mr.Mr. holds Little Miss every chance he can get, this morning was no exception.

Little Miss

Hall Family Reunion

My Aunt Laura holding Little Miss, almost the whole day.

Grandma Arline holding Little Miss.

Grandma said that including Little Miss, she has 16 great grands. 

Cousins playing soccer

Aunt Phyllis, she made beautiful blanket for Little Miss.

Noure and Mr.Mr. chillin after the soccer game was over.

Grandpa Hall (my Dad) holding Little Miss.

She loves to be held.
The fam eating lunch and telling stories

Adam and Christopher were tired so they took a nap with their mom (my SIL).

My Dad told Jeremy he would give him a nickle if he would eat the worm.  Jeremy gave the worm to I-man instead.  I-Man earned a nickle.

Noure talking with my Grandpa Bert F Hall

Four generations
Family pic with Grandpa Hall and his wife Ann

Noure and Little Miss

Then Jeremy caught a little snake

Mr.Mr. having a fun time.

Mr.Mr. took a picture of me.


Volleyball with Uncle Lynn is always hilarious.

Grandpa Hall with his grandsons
 We watched the most amazing fireworks show and got back to the hotel room around 11 pm.
the kids were exhausted


  1. This looks like such a nice relaxing day! Love to see all of the pics with your fam.
