Saturday, July 28, 2012

My Monsoon Garden

The best time for me to plant my garden
is just before the Monsoon starts.
I plant my seeds in June, nuture them,
protect them from the heat and watch them take root. 
In July when it rains everyday my plants mature and bear fruit.
Monsoon Sunset

Monsoon Showers.
The roads were closed for a couple of hours that night

Romaine Lettuce

Cantelope Plant.  It just started flowering.

Water Melons

Boys in the garden.


  1. I've often wondered why so many of my not-from-AZ friends insist on planting their gardens so early in the year. Our growing season lasts into October, so why rush? That watermelon looks yummy!

  2. The watermelon is so amazing. We insist on planting early because we feel it in the weather. When it has been all snowing and cold and then heat comes the inch to plant comes. That is why we plant early.
